Barry Milliken is a practicing Registered Architect with extensive computer aided design (CAD) experience. He uses Visio for most of his design work because it’s an easy and cost effective 2D graphics program. Barry created a custom solution for drawing site plans in Visio and has partnered with Visimation to offer it as a Visio add-on product called visiSitePlan.
VisiSitePlan contains several stencils with intelligently programmed shapes that automate a variety of drawing tasks. The beauty of using Visio for these kinds of plans is that you can more easily create very colorful drawings suitable for presentation as well as for the actual construction. Most traditional CAD systems produce line drawings that are not very attractive.
This solution combines Visio’s built-in features for architectural drawings with Barry’s enhancements and Tutorial files to help you get started. There are also shapes and tools for properly calculating and annotating site information.
This is for homeowners and designers who would like to draw these plans without spending thousands of dollars on a CAD system. It’s especially economical if you are already a Visio user.
For more information please see the product details page on ShapeSource.
© 2010 – 2017, Visimation. All rights reserved.
I have Visio Technical 5.0 plus. I am getting a message this software is no longer current. I have used this software for my home utilizing layers from sewer lines up to roof. What new software can I use to convert my files to that will be easy to use as Visio and match cost.
Thanks for your time on this matter
Hi Ronald… I’m surprised that you are getting a message like that. Visio 5 is of course very old (circa 1997) but I don’t know why such a message would begin to appear. That said, the best way to get more current software that will read your Visio 5 files is to purchase a version 2007 or 2010. The latest is 2013 but for reasons I won’t go into now I recommend 2007 or 2010 for your particular situation. You can still get those versions through, Ebay, or other sources. I suggest getting the Professional version which costs more than the Standard version but it has features that are essential when working with architectural plans.