Using Visio Graphics in Other Applications

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Microsoft PowerPoint file containing vector .emf images

Vector .emf images in PowerPoint

We are often asked how to use the rich Visio shapes produced at Visimation in other applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc. There are several ways to do this. First, we’ll discuss how Visimation has made it very easy. Then, we’ll explain what to expect when you copy and paste manually from Visio into other programs.

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Architectural Site Plans with Visio

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Barry Milliken is a practicing Registered Architect with extensive computer aided design (CAD) experience. He uses Visio for most of his design work because it’s an easy and cost effective 2D graphics program. Barry created a custom solution for drawing site plans in Visio and has partnered with Visimation to offer it as a Visio add-on product called visiSitePlan.

VisiSitePlan contains several stencils with intelligently programmed shapes that automate a variety of drawing tasks. The beauty of using Visio for these kinds of plans is that you can more easily create very colorful …Continue reading

Is Visio a sensible alternative to CAD systems?

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Many of the companies we work with at Visimation use Visio as a low cost and more sensible alternative to CAD systems like AutoCAD, MicroStation, ProE, and more. While CAD has its strengths, we find that as many as 80% of CAD users can perform their work more efficiently and at lower cost if they were to use Visio. Of course it all depends on what you need to do with a graphics system. In this article I’ll share our experience regarding why companies choose to use Visio in lieu of CAD. For …Continue reading